The collaboration of Éva Köves and Andrea Sztojánovits, founders of the Monochrome Clack group in 2009 based on the idea of paint-mapping, meaning that digital image accompanied with sound could be projected on the surface of a set of paintings produced with traditional media. They recognized that their intersection creates a surprisingly new and organic narrative. The issue regarding the blurred gap between the physical and virtual space defined by the two artists as the program of synesthetic expansion of the human senses and as a systematic research that deals with the disclosure of the coherence between bios and logos, between life and inquiry.
The exhibition focuses on an installation that could be, through an animation projected on to its surface, modulated in real time. The piece due to the application of the same algorithms also used in the research of artificial intelligence, offering it’s own microclimate (it’s colors and hues, the virtual movement of certain elements of the static composition and other physical features of the canvas that could be altered), being controllable by the real environment around it.
By proposing the possibility of a new medium, the „sensitive panting” that behaves the changes of the surrounding space, the installation undreams an utopia by representing a concrete and symbolic form of the restored unity between nature and man.
Márton Orosz
Páláyzat az 58. VELENCEI KÉPZŐMŰVÉSZETI BIENNÁLÉRA, Ludwig Múzeum Archív